Another thing to be learned down the Haskell rabbit-hole: Thinking in infinites. Today someone posed a puzzle which I tried to solve in a straight-forward, recursive manner: Building a list of primes. The requested algorithm was plain enough:
Create a list of primes “as you go”, considering a number prime if it can’t be divided by any number already considered prime.
However, although my straightforward solution worked on discrete ranges, it couldn’t yield a single prime when called on an infinite range – something I’m completely unused to from other languages, except for some experience with the SERIES library in Common Lisp.
An incomplete solution
Looking similar to something I might have written in Lisp, I came up with this answer:
= reverse . foldl fn []
primes where fn acc n
| n `dividesBy` acc = acc
| otherwise = (n:acc)
dividesBy x (y| y == 1 = False
| x `mod` y == 0 = True
| otherwise = dividesBy x ys
= False dividesBy x []
But when I suggested this on #haskell, someone pointed out that you can’t
reverse an infinite list. That’s when a light-bulb turned on: I hadn’t learned
to think in infinites yet. Although my function worked fine for discrete
ranges, like [1..100]
, it crashed on [1..]
So back to the drawing board, later to come up with this infinite-friendly version:
primes :: [Int] -> [Int]
= fn []
primes where fn _ [] = []
fn acc (y| y `dividesBy` acc = fn acc ys
| otherwise = y : fn (y:acc) ys
= False
dividesBy _ [] :ys)
dividesBy x (y| y == 1 = False
| x `mod` y == 0 = True
| otherwise = dividesBy x ys
Here the accumulator grows for each prime found, but returns results in order
whose value can be calculated as needed. This time when I put primes [1..]
into GHCi it printed out prime numbers immediately, but visibly slowed as the
accumulator grew larger.